by Jill Wiley | Sep 3, 2019 | Essential Oils
Girls’ Night In…
This is the perfect blend for you and your girls!!
You know, put on your favorite pj’s, curl up with your favorite book or movie, and turn on the diffuser!
4 drops doTERRA Serenity®
2 drops doTERRA Passion®
2 drops Frankincense
It’s easy to fall in love with this blend. It smells amazing!

Want to learn a little more about the oils in this amazing blend?
Serenity Restful Blend has a calming and relaxing aroma that provides a unique user experience. This perfectly balanced, tranquil blend can be felt immediately, transporting the user to a state of blissful repose. Serenity combines essential oils that are known specifically to lessen feelings of tension and calm emotions. In addition, this blend supports restful sleep when used aromatically.
Apply one to two drops to the hands and inhale throughout the day. This will help reduce worry from life’s daily stressors. Diffuse at night to help quiet a restless baby or child. The addition of Cedarwood, Ho Wood, and Vetiver essential oils gives dōTERRA Serenity a grounding aroma. As a result, it calms the mind and soothes the senses.
Serenity Positive Properties: calm, relaxed, peaceful, compassionate, connected, tranquil, peaceful
Say goodbye to the boring, the mundane, the predictable and welcome in a life full of vigor and excitement with the doTERRA Passion Inspiring Blend. doTERRA Passion is enriched with a combination of spice and herb essential oils and will help inspire creativity. In addition, doTERRA Passion will ignite a passion for life when there seems to be little.
This blend will fill your senses with renewed joy and feelings of wonder! In particular, it will have you daring to try new things. doTERRA Passion blend will certainly help you find greater delight in the blessings that surround you. So leave your boredom and disinterest behind with a little encouragement from the doTERRA Passion blend! As a result, it will help you soar to new levels of excitement, creativity, and inspiration.
Passion Positive Properties: inspired, creative, playful, alive, spontaneous, passionate, risk-taking, vitality
Frankincense is known as the king of essential oils and has a variety of notable uses and benefits. This powerful essential oil is revered for its ability to beautify and rejuvenate skin when applied topically. In addition, it promotes cellular health and immunity and produce a healthy inflammatory response when taken internally,* among other benefits.
Frankincense was highly esteemed by ancient civilizations and used for the most sacred of practices. For some religions, Frankincense is correlated with one of the most prized possessions of ancient biblical times. Furthermore, it was considered valuable enough to be given as a gift to Christ after his birth. Frankincense was also used during religious ceremonies for salves for soothing skin and perfume. Without a doubt, the aroma that Frankincense emits promotes feelings of satisfaction, peace, relaxation, and overall wellness. That is to say, these feelings explain its unique value in ancient times. Frankincense oil is highly valued in the doTERRA community and continues to be one of the most popular essential oils.
Frankincense Positive Properties: wisdom, protected, loved, connection with father, enlightened, spiritually open, discernment
by Jill Wiley | Sep 2, 2019 | Create, Essential Oils

Whether you like to curl, straighten, blow dry, or style your hair, heat can take a serious toll on your strands. If you use these hot styling tools during your daily hairstyling routine, it is a good idea to use some sort of protecting product to shield your lovely locks from heat damage. Instead of buying a pricey protectant spray, consider making your own with this Essential Oil Heat Protectant Spray that uses essential oils like Clary Sage and Geranium to protect your hair. Not only will this DIY spray keep your hair safe from the heat, but it will leave your strands with a wonderful smell all day long.
Shield your strands with this heat protectant spray, made with Clary Sage and Geranium essential oils. Easy to make, this DIY spray will have your hair feeling full and healthy.
1 teaspoon Fractionated Coconut Oil
1 tablespoon sweet almond oil
2 teaspoons doTERRA Salon Essentials® Smoothing Conditioner
1 cup water
5 drops Clary Sage oil
5 drops Geranium oil
- Pour half of water into spray bottle.
- Add Fractionated Coconut Oil, sweet almond oil, conditioner, and essential oils into bottle.
- Add remaining water and shake well.
- To use, apply one spritz to hair and work it through until hair is lightly coated. Style as normal.
We’d love to hear how this spray worked for you!
by Jill Wiley | May 29, 2019 | Essential Oils, The Good Life

You want to build a long-term business but don’t know what your business is yet.
You don’t want to make a large investment of money because you know that is risky.
People tell you you need money to start a business (they are wrong).
YOU ARE THE ASSET that will produce the INCOME stream.
You have talent.
You are willing to put in labor to make it happen, as long as you don’t have to sacrifice your family or the things that are important to you.
You don’t want a schedule.
You don’t want to carry inventory.
You really don’t want to be a salesperson but you like helping people. When you learn something, you like to share your knowledge.
If you had a product you believed in, you could build a business around it.
Find what you believe in and share it with the world.
I was passionate about nature and built a long-term business (Jill Wiley | Our Essential Life) around my passion without investing money or carrying inventory.
What are you passionate about?
by Jill Wiley | Aug 7, 2016 | Adventure, Essential Oils
My husband stumbled upon a beautiful melaleuca tree while traveling and hiking in Maui earlier this year and it got us thinking. Did you ever wonder what it is that makes people love to travel so much? When you can’t travel, do you find yourself gawking at colorful photos of beautiful beaches, trees, valleys and streams?

Traveling isn’t exactly comfortable. In fact it’s often very tiring and a lot of hard work, however at the same time it rejuvenates the spirit and seems to give meaning to life as you begin to realize that everything in nature is connected. Simply meeting new people in new places and empathizing with them strengthens those connections and improves health. Even western doctors encourage human contact to speed recovery in hospitals.
When you are stuck at home, have you ever noticed how much better you feel if you just go for a walk outside and get those endorphins flowing through your body, eliminating pain and stress almost instantly as you awe at the beauty of a tree or sky or smile at a family passing you on their bikes. Even just standing outside in the sun, your body begins to produce the vitamin D that it needs for healthy living.

Swimming or surfing in the salty ocean water full of minerals also has so many health benefits. It took me a while to understand why my husband would spend hours paddling on his surfboard to catch just 3 waves that lasted only seconds. However, I always knew he would come home happy.

We also recently began to appreciate the benefits of drinking pure natural water without contaminants. Water is the source of life, and the largest component of your body. Perhaps that is one reason we have always felt compelled to live by the water or why waterfront properties hold such premium value.

The beautiful trees, flowers, and plants that we stare at also have tremendous nutritional and healing powers. They provide the foundation of a healthy diet and are the source of many remedies used in both traditional eastern and modern western medicine.

The melaleuca tree is only one of hundreds or thousands of nature’s gifts. Oil Derived from melaleuca trees can be used to support healthy skin and nails, bolster the immune system, and for its natural cleansing properties. Many essential oils such as frankincense, lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint, myrrh, fennel, basil, cilantro, and oregano, derived from plants and trees have been used for thousands of years to support the body and mind.

People surround themselves in their homes with plants and flowers that look beautiful and emit odors that instantly bring peace and calm and purify the air. When we wake up and have our coffee, we also diffuse essential oils to elevate our mood and energy levels. People plant gardens outside their home for organic food nutrients as well as the mental peace that comes with bringing new life into the world simply by adding water to seeds and soil.

Perhaps this is why we love to travel so much and stare at beautiful photos. Nature gives in many ways, and traveling is a gateway to soak in nature’s gifts that foster a healthy life.
by Jill Wiley | Jun 11, 2016 | Adventure, Essential Oils
exploring nature’s beauty in Maui, Hawaii
My husband just got back from a kitesurfing trip in Maui. I haven’t been there yet so I asked him to share his impressions…

Maui is the windy island.
The wind generally picks up in the afternoon which helps keep you cool out on the beach. However, the beach is more beautiful in the morning when the water is flat and the wind is calm.

Not a lot of native Hawaiians –
the entire population of Maui is only about 150k (only about 6% of which is native Hawaiian), yet the island sees around 3 million tourists per year, mostly from the US and Canada.

Best Things to do as a tourist there –
“the road to Hana” is a 2 hour must do drive in all the guidebooks. It has lots of easily accessible cool waterfalls, swimming holes, hiking and scenic picnic areas. Sandals and swimsuit are sufficient for the well marked trails. Hiking shoes become useful if you want to explore beyond the end of trail signs.

Not sure why but abandoning your car is very popular in Maui. You’ll see this all over but I don’t recommend it.

When you hit the beach,
bring a snorkel mask to enjoy the beautiful and very calm clear blue water filled with fish and turtles. Snorkel in the morning before the wind stirs up the water. In many spots, the ocean was so calm in the morning that it reminded me more of a lake. This and small gentle waves attracted a lot of paddleboarders.
Watch out for tiger sharks, a near shore predator that is attracted to the many turtles in Maui. Non-fatal shark attacks seem to be averaging almost once a month recently. However, most attacks have only resulted in minor injuries or a bite out of a surfboard. During our first day kiting, a fellow kiteboarder surfed right over a 12 foot tiger shark about 50 yards from shore at kanaha state beach park. We wished he hadn’t told us, and you’ll probably wish we hadn’t told you.

Maui’s heavy winds are great for Windsurfing and kitesurfing.
Lessons are available there but it’s expensive and really not a good place for a beginner to learn. When there was wind, we kitesurfed in mostly flat water with some small 1-2 foot waves. The regular surf season (without a kite) is in the winter, and even the tiny offseason long boarding waves were very crowded.

When it was calm, we hiked, snorkeled, and drove around the scenic island. We stopped at a melaleuca tree (tea tree) on one of our hikes, but we weren’t quite sure how to extract any essential oil from it for our surfer’s ear aches.

The freakishly narrow winding northern road to Honolua bay and Lahaina is also well worth doing if you want to see the blowhole, local art galleries hidden in the hills, or clifftop scenic photos. Take the safer southern route if you just want to see the towns and bay. Or take the helicopter tour which is only about $100/person.

Accommodations are expensive and a car rental is necessary.
We booked a condo and a house in advance through vrbo. However, next time I think I might camp or just wing it on Hotel Tonight (excellent mobile app that hotels use to fill their rooms last minute at heavily discounted rates). I noticed several nice hotels on the app for $100-150 while I was there. (If you’d like $25 free toward your first Hotel Tonight stay, use the code: JWILEY46 when you download the app.)

It’s a small island.
You can drive to most of the towns in one day. We stayed in Kihei for half the trip which is one of the most popular/touristy towns with large beautiful accessible beaches along the big main drag, calm water, lots of semi-oceanfront condos, restaurants and nightlife. Be sure to have some poke (raw seasoned ahi tuna) while you’re there (it’s definitely better there than what we get in California).

The other half of the trip we stayed in Paia, which is more of a small local “hippie” town with no beachfront hotels or condos, and smaller, less accessible but still beautiful beaches within 20 minutes walking distance (although expect some nudity and tent homes).
Paia is an eclectic mix of local Hawaiians, transplant hippies, and a small main drag that mostly seems to cater to tourists stopping by for some shopping on their way to “the road to Hana.” After returning from a long day of muddy hiking in the humid hills, our long-haired friend threw on some patchouli oil and was pretty sure he was all good to hit the town for a night out.

Just one rule when in Paia – be sure not to smoke brah.

And don’t steal the locals’ sandals.

by Jill Wiley | May 24, 2016 | Essential Oils, Travel
the adult version of studying abroad?! remote year.
Ok, my husband and I love to travel – who doesn’t? We both did a semester abroad in college and loved it. However, our friend has stumbled upon a similar program but for working adults who have the ability to work remotely. You bring your remote job with you, and join 75 other people who have their own different remote jobs. You travel to 12 different countries throughout the year – one country each month. For only $27,000, “Remote Year” provides you with all of your travel between the 12 destinations, your living accommodations for the year, a workspace with internet access, and community activities.
It is shocking to us how cheap it is, because you can hardly pay rent in San Diego on $27,000/year. We are extremely jealous of the amazing time that he is going to have living in all of these different locations. We are definitely looking forward to hearing about Portugal, Morocco, Bulgaria, Croatia, Columbia, Peru, and Argentina. He promises to post updates during his remote year here. He’s single with no kids, and so it’s the perfect opportunity for someone in his situation (but probably not for us married folks with kids). However, we will keep this in mind for our daughter after she finishes college and you should too.
We are pleased he’s taking a piece of us with him though. He had been having trouble sleeping, so we gave him a bunch of different essential oil samples to try diffusing at night to see which ones worked best for him. He had success with Breathe (respiratory blend), Lavender, and Frankincense and decided to order some.

The funny thing is that he only wants to take carry on luggage for this remote year. A 12 month trip around the world – not one checked bag! He’s now trying to figure out which shirt he’s going to leave at home to make space for his diffuser and sleeping essential oils.

Our daughter is also sad to see him go for the year, but she came up with an ingenious way to force him to stay in touch. She has been making duct tape wallets for our friend for years now. In her latest wallet she made for him, she taped a note on the inside of the wallet. It says “don’t forget to send a postcard to Kaylie everywhere you go!”