What I Do

What I Do

Our Essential Life: Business

You Are Too Smart To Get Rich Quick

YOU ARE THE ASSET that will produce the INCOME stream.
Read to find out MORE! 

My Methods

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My Goals

This is where I describe the goals I want to achieve with my work for my customers. To edit this I need to go to Dashboard->Projects->All Projects->Hover over What I Do and choose “Edit.” Then I need to scroll down and find the grey box called “My Goals” and click on the 3 lines at the top to open the Edit window.

About Me

About Me





Who is JillWiley.com?

In a way, I’m probably just like you.  I have a 12 year old daughter who amazes me every day with her beauty, talent and personality.  I have a loving husband who acts like my second child.  I was an elementary teacher for several years after college until my daughter was born, and I became a “stay-at-home” mom.

I am a California girl at heart, having grown up in rural northern California.  After marriage, we moved several times for work – from San Diego to San Francisco, Manhattan, Hoboken and  Monmouth Beach NJ, and finally  back to San Diego (well Encinitas, a bit north of San Diego). I love to scrapbook, craft, and be involved with my daughter’s life.  I’m a girl scout leader and an avid fan of my daughter’s sports endeavors (yes, I probably cheer too loud).

I’m frugal, because I grew up in a very modest household and understand the value of a hard day of labor.  I learned at a young age that I didn’t need a lot of money to be happy. This frugal way of living and hard work has helped us to retire before age 40.  Now, we primarily live off of rental income, although my newfound passion for essential oils has turned into an unexpected second income.  We have sworn off accumulating burdensome assets in favor of travelling, spending time with friends and family, and accumulating experiences.

# of cities we've lived in

# of countries We've visited

Both retired by age


% of time we think about traveling


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More Info





Essential Oils

Essential Oils

the blog
I am a believer in natural health and wellness. In my mission to reduce the amount of toxins and pharmaceuticals in my life, I found that natural oils are essential in supporting my physical health and emotional balance. These essential oils (frankincense, peppermint, melaleuca, lavender and eucalyptus to name just a few) are now an important part of my daily routine.Screen Shot 2016-07-24 at 9.01.13 PMEssential oils can support metabolism, balance hormones, promote digestion, sharpen focus, soothe sore muscles, support respiratory function, help reduce head tension, support a healthy mood, promote healthy skin, and much much more!

These naturally occurring plant extracts have been used by many people for thousands of years to support the body and mind. However, since they aren’t drugs, and the pharmaceutical companies don’t have patents on them, don’t expect the health care industry to advertise them to you. A close friend of mine shared them with me several years ago and now I’d like to share them with you.  Several companies make essential oils, but there is only one that I trust due to successful third party testing.Screen Shot 2016-07-23 at 8.27.35 PMSourced from around the world in their natural habitat, this company brings the purest and most potent form of essential oils. Each and every essential oil undergoes extensive testing methods at multiple production points with third party testing to ensure the highest quality of oils. This process greatly surpasses the USDA Organic standards.Screen Shot 2016-07-23 at 8.23.40 PMThese essential oils, or gifts of the earth, have been used throughout history. They are aromatic compounds that are found in bark, stems, seeds, roots, flowers and other parts of plants and can support your body naturally.
Screen Shot 2016-07-23 at 8.30.22 PMI’m here to give you my full support during your essential oil journey and usage training.
I’m available via…phone/text, email, and Facebook.

If you choose to enroll with me, you will have access to my exclusive online, private community of essential oil users. Our community is a safe place where we share experiences, recipes, tips, tricks, answer questions, do giveaways, and more.

I’m also available to help train and support you if you would like to explore the business opportunity and share the oils with others. Screen Shot 2016-07-23 at 8.20.06 PMThis is one of the most important things you must know about essential oils… Not all essential oils are created equally. Many of them have failed third party testing, are synthetic or have undisclosed fillers that do nothing to improve your health.

I would love to get you started on the same holistic journey that I began several years ago. I teach free classes about how to use essential oils, and I can also point you in the right direction to do your own research.

Please contact me via the form below to get started on your free education – no strings attached and no sales pressure. If you like what you learn, I’ll be here to show you how to order only when you are 100% ready. Take your time – learning to support a healthy life is a lifelong journey.


15 + 9 =




Let me show you how you can do this….. and this…. with some of my favorite FREE content you can grab below!

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IMPORTANT: Freebie #1 is set up to be the SAME as the Opt-in/Freebie that is on the Home page and scattered around the website. If I do not want this Freebie to be offered here again, I need to remove this entire row from this page.

Freebie #2

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Freebie #3

This is where I describe Freebie #3. To edit this blurb I need to go to Dashboard->Projects->All Projects->Hover over Freebies and choose “Edit.” Then I need to scroll down and find the grey box called “Freebie #3 Description” and click on the 3 lines at the top to open the Edit window. This is also where I edit the Button text.

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