Who is JillWiley.com?
In a way, I’m probably just like you. I have a 12 year old daughter who amazes me every day with her beauty, talent and personality. I have a loving husband who acts like my second child. I was an elementary teacher for several years after college until my daughter was born, and I became a “stay-at-home” mom.
I am a California girl at heart, having grown up in rural northern California. After marriage, we moved several times for work – from San Diego to San Francisco, Manhattan, Hoboken and Monmouth Beach NJ, and finally back to San Diego (well Encinitas, a bit north of San Diego). I love to scrapbook, craft, and be involved with my daughter’s life. I’m a girl scout leader and an avid fan of my daughter’s sports endeavors (yes, I probably cheer too loud).
I’m frugal, because I grew up in a very modest household and understand the value of a hard day of labor. I learned at a young age that I didn’t need a lot of money to be happy. This frugal way of living and hard work has helped us to retire before age 40. Now, we primarily live off of rental income, although my newfound passion for essential oils has turned into an unexpected second income. We have sworn off accumulating burdensome assets in favor of travelling, spending time with friends and family, and accumulating experiences.
# of cities we've lived in
# of countries We've visited
Both retired by age
% of time we think about traveling
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